Wine All Around!

It is a well-established directive in the Bible that we are to give to and to serve others, particularly those in need. Not only are we thus commanded, but we are to do so cheerfully and generously. A great illustration of this is in the narrative of the Wedding Feast at Cana from the Gospel of John (John 2:1-11). In it, Jesus attends a large wedding feast with his mother Mary and his disciples. Such celebrations in the days of Jesus’ earthly ministry typically lasted several days and well into the event, it’s host (the groom) ran out of wine for his guests, which was a major faux pas in Ancient Near East culture. When Mary became aware of the situation, she asked Jesus to help. Jesus, knowing what Mary expected of him, was reluctant to reveal himself as divine by performing what would be his first a miracle. Yet, he relented; choosing to use the groom’s dilemma as an opportunity to foreshadow God’s gift of gracious abundance by turning the water in six large jars into wine. But this was not only wine, it is described in the passage as the very best wine. In addition, by many estimates, the jars would have held one hundred and eighty gallons of liquid – that’s a lot of wine.

The takeaway here is that God cheerfully and abundantly, gives to, provides for and serves His children. In this narrative, Jesus teaches us that we are to do the same, to not hold back or to think of the needy as unworthy of our service or abundant gifts. We must remember what has been given to us.

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